英国私校的考核标准非常严苛,留学生要经历笔试—访校——面试一系列的流程,单单从笔试来看,每所私校采用的笔试题型都不同,有的采用考试局统一的笔试题,有的则自主命题,班克罗夫特学校就自己出笔试题,11+是比较常见的入学时间点,下面,小编就为大家带来了班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+英语笔试考试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:
11+ 2022: Extended Writing (30 minutes)
Look at the image above carefully. Write a piece of imaginative writing inspired by it.
You could:
• Write in the first or third person
• Make some reference to the setting
• Think about what is happening here and why
You will be assessed on:
• Your ideas and style
• Your ability to craft sentences
• Your accuracy and use of vocabulary
You might plan your answer in the space below. Spend no more than 5 minutes on planning.
11+ 2022: Extended Writing (30 minutes)
Look at the image above carefully. Write a piece of imaginative writing inspired by it.
You could:
• Write in the first or third person
• Make some reference to the setting
• Think about what is happening here and why
You will be assessed on:
• Your ideas and style
• Your ability to craft sentences
• Your accuracy and use of vocabulary
You might plan your answer in the space below. Spend no more than 5 minutes on planning.
以上是关于班克罗夫特学校Bancroft's School 11+英语笔试的相关问题,近几年,低龄留学已持续升温,顶试留学是一所有着29年英美低龄留学经验的高端机构,也是UKiset(译赛)考试大中华区官方考点,已为数十万个高端家庭提供了长周期的“全程陪伴”。专业定位、寄宿家庭服务、院校择优、考试培训等为您提供360°的服务体验,让留学生真切感受到“家”的温暖!有留学梦的您还不来冲!