







  针对数学科目的试题,以帕克林顿学校Pocklington School13+为例

  1. Calculate the following, showing a clear method where appropriate:

  a. 4 × (52- 6 × 2)

  ____________ (2 marks)

  b. 5471 + 85.1 + 7.163

  ____________ (2 marks)

  c. 3.2 × 1.7

  ____________ (2 marks)

  d. 21.6 ÷ 0.8

  ____________ (2 marks)

  e. 53 × 2

  ____________ (2 marks)

  f. 2187 ÷ 9

  ____________ (2 marks)


  针对英语科目的试题,以帕克林顿学校Pocklington School13+为例

  This is a complete short story, set in The Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. The narrator is returning to where she used to live – but something is not quite right.

  I Used To Live Here Once by Jean Rhys

  She was standing by the river and looking at the stepping stones and remembering each one. There was the round unsteady one, the pointed one, the flat one in the middle – the safe stone where you could stand and look round. The next wasn’t so safe for when the river was full the water flowed over it and even when it showed dry it was slippery. But after that it was easy and soon she was standing on the other side.

  The road was much wider than it used to be but the work had been done carelessly. The felled trees had not been cleared away and the bushes looked trampled. Yet it was the same road and she walked along feeling extraordinarily happy.

  It was a fine day, a blue day. The only thing was that the sky had a glassy look that she didn’t remember. That was the only word she could think of. Glassy. She turned the corner, saw that the road was much wider, but it had the same unfinished look.

  She came to the worn stone steps that led up to the house and her heart began to beat. The screw pine was gone, so was the mock summer house called the ajoupa, but the clove tree was still there and at the top of the steps the rough lawn stretched away, just as she remembered it. She stopped and looked towards the house that had been added to and painted white. It was strange to see a car standing in front of it.

  There were two children under the big mango tree, a boy and a little girl, and she waved to them and called ‘Hello,’ but they didn’t answer her or turn their heads. Very fair children, as Europeans born in the West Indies so often are: as if the white blood is asserting itself against all odds.

  The grass was yellow in the hot sunlight as she walked towards them. When she was quite close she called again, shyly: ‘Hello.’ Then ‘I used to live here once,’ she said.

  Still they didn’t answer. When she said for the third time ‘Hello,’ she was quite near them. Her arms went out instinctively with the longing to touch them.

  It was the boy who turned. His grey eyes looked straight into hers. His expression didn’t change. He said: ‘Hasn’t it gone cold all of a sudden? D’you notice? Let’s go in’

  ‘Yes, let’s,’ said the girl.

  Her arms fell to her sides as she watched them running across the grass to the house. That was the first time she knew.

  Attempt all the questions below. There are 50 marks available. The last question (Qu. 9) is worth 25 marks, and you should allow at least 20 minutes to complete it. Ask for more paper if necessary.

  1. Which stepping stone was unsafe, and why? (2 marks)




  2. How is the road different? (2 marks)



  3. Why do you think the narrator feels “extraordinarily happy”? (2 marks)



  针对科学科目的试题,以温切斯特公学Winchester College 13+科学为例


  A1 Blodwyn and Myfanwy want to find out how their heart rate changes with exercise time. Blodwyn runs on a treadmill at a steady rate for 10 minutes and Myfanwy records Blodwyn’s pulse rate every minute by feeling her wrist; she counts for 15 seconds then multiplies the number of pulses by 4 to make a minute. Her results are shown:


  (a) Plot Blodwyn’s data into a line graph on the grid below and join the points.


  (b) Blodwyn and Myfanwy’s teacher then asked them to estimate what Blodwyn’s heart rate would be at 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

  Blodwyn said it would be 117 BPM.

  Myfanwy said it would be somewhere between 113 and 121 BPM.

  Explain why the teacher said Myfanwy’s answer was better. Refer to the data in your answer.





  (c) Suggest one problem with the method that has been used and one improvement that can be made.

  ............................................................................................................................. ..........


  (d) Suggest how Blodwyn could make the experimental data more reliable.



  (e) Explain why your heart rate goes up when you exercise.



  (f) Suggest why Blodwyn’s graph levels off at 4-10 minutes.



  (g) Blodwyn is a normal teenage girl of average health and fitness. However, Myfanwy is a Welsh under-16 cross country champion and she trains in the gym for 4 hours every day. Suggest two ways that her graph would differ from Blodwyn’s when it is her turn on the treadmill.







  不过个性也是面试中最不稳定的因素,面试官对于学生的评价带有很大的主观性。所以有些学校采取措施降低面试官的个人偏见对学生的影响,比如,City of London School将学生送去上课前逐个观察他们,在小组活动时,会再让另一名老师观察他们。在Rugby,每名学生都至少接受两名老师的面试。






  面试是一个谈话交流的过程,即使遇到不会的问题也不要慌乱,面试官想要考察的就是你面对问题时的解决能力,而不是要去故意难住你。所以没听明白的问题不用急着回答,可以说:“Sorry, I might not understand. Would you please say it again?”表现镇定自然会很受面试官的青睐。























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