英国留学剑桥硕士专业列表一览 有你想学的专业吗?





  Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology化学工程与生物技术系

  Master of Studies in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment建筑环境跨学科设计研究硕士

  MPhil Biotechnology研究型硕士生物技术

  MPhil in Advanced Chemical Engineering高级化学工程研究型硕士

  MPhil in Bioscience Enterprise生物科学企业研究型硕士

  MPhil in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology化学工程和生物技术研究型硕士

  Department of Engineering工程系MPhil in Energy Technologies能源技术

  MPhil in Engineering工程

  MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development可持续发展工程

  MPhil in Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management工业系统、制造和管理

  MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence机器学习和机器智能

  MPhil in Materials Science and Metallurgy材料科学与冶金

  MPhil in Nuclear Energy核能

  MRes in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems电子和光子系统连接

  MSt in Construction Engineering建筑工程

  Department of History and Philosophy of Science历史与科学哲学系

  MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society健康、医学和社会

  MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine科学与医学历史与哲学

  Department of Land Economy土地经济系

  MPhil in Environmental Policy环境政策

  MPhil in Land Economy土地经济

  MPhil in Land Economy Research土地经济研究

  MPhil in Planning, Growth and Regeneration规划、成长和再生

  MPhil in Real Estate Finance房地产金融

  MSt in Real Estate房地产

  Department of Veterinary Medicine兽医系

  MPhil in Veterinary Science兽医学

  Faculty of Architecture and History of Art建筑与艺术史学院

  Dip in Conservation of Easel Paintings绘画保护

  MPhil in Architecture建筑学

  MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design建筑与城市设计

  MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies建筑与城市研究

  MPhil in History of Art and Architecture艺术与建筑史

  MSt in Architecture Apprenticeship建筑学

  MSt in Building History建筑史

  MSt in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment建筑环境跨学科设计

  PG Cert Professional Practice in Architecture建筑专业实践

  Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies亚洲和中东研究学院

  AdvDip in Hebrew Studies高级希伯来语研究

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Chinese Studies)亚洲和中东研究硕士(中国研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Classical Islamic History and Culture)亚洲和中东研究硕士(古典伊斯兰历史和文化)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Hebrew and Pre-Modern Jewish History and Culture)亚洲和中东研究哲学硕士(希伯来语和前现代犹太历史和文化)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Hebrew and Semitic Studies)亚洲和中东研究哲学硕士(希伯来语和闪米特语研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Japanese Studies)亚洲和中东研究硕士(日本研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Korean Studies)亚洲和中东研究哲学硕士(韩国研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Modern Middle Eastern Studies)亚洲和中东研究哲学硕士(现代中东研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Muslim-Jewish Relations)亚洲和中东研究硕士(穆斯林-犹太关系)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Chinese Studies)亚洲和中东研究硕士(中国研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Japanese Studies)亚洲和中东研究硕士(日本研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Korean Studies)亚洲和中东研究硕士(韩国研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Middle Eastern Studies)亚洲和中东研究硕士(中东研究)

  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (South Asian Studies)亚洲和中东研究硕士(南亚研究)

  MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies现代南亚研究硕士

  Faculty of Biology生物学院

  MPhil in Biological Science (Biochemistry)生物科学(生物化学)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Genetics)生物科学(遗传学)

  MPhil in Biological Science (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)生物科学(MRC分子生物学实验室)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Pathology)生物科学(病理学)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Pharmacology)生物科学(药理学)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Physiology, Development and Neuroscience)生物科学(生理学、发育和神经科学)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Plant Sciences)生物科学(植物科学)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)生物科学(心理学)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Sanger Institute)生物科学(桑格研究所)

  MPhil in Biological Science (Zoology)生物科学(动物学)

  MPhil in Developmental Biology发育生物学

  MPhil in Therapeutic Sciences治疗科学

  Faculty of Business and Management商业与管理学院

  Executive Master of Business Administration行政工商管理

  Master of Business Administration工商管理

  Master of Finance (MFin)金融(MFin)

  MPhil in Finance金融

  MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation创新、战略和组织

  MPhil in Management管理学

  MPhil in Strategy, Marketing & Operations战略、营销和运营

  MPhil in Technology Policy技术政策

  MRes + PhD in Management Studies管理学硕士 + 博士

  MSt in Entrepreneurship创业

  MSt in Social Innovation社会创新

  Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business (PCSB)可持续商业研究生证书 (PCSB)

  Faculty of Classics古典学院MPhil in Classics古典文学硕士

  Faculty of Computer Science and Technology计算机科学与技术学院MPhil in Advanced Computer Science高级计算机科学

  Faculty of Divinity神学院Advanced Diploma in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion神学、宗教和宗教哲学高级文凭

  CPGS in Theology and Religious Studies神学和宗教研究中的CPGS

  MPhil in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion神学、宗教和宗教硕士

  Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography地球科学与地理学院

  MASt in Earth Sciences地球科学

  MPhil in Anthropocene Studies人类世研究

  MPhil in Conservation Leadership保护领导力

  MPhil in Earth Sciences地球科学

  MPhil in Geography地理学

  MPhil in Holocene Climates全新世气候

  MPhil in Polar Studies (Scott Polar Research Institute)极地研究(斯科特极地研究所)

  Faculty of Economics经济学院Advanced Diploma in Economics经济学高级文凭MPhil in Economic Research经济研究MPhil in Economics经济学

  MPhil in Finance and Economics金融和经济学

  Faculty of Education教育学院Master of Education (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature) PGCE entry only教育(儿童文学批判方法)仅限 PGCE 入学

  Master of Education (Mathematics Education)教育(数学教育)

  Master of Education (Mathematics Education) PGCE entry only教育(数学教育)仅限PGCE入学

  Master of Education (Primary Education)教育(小学教育)

  Master of Education (Primary Education) PGCE entry only教育(小学教育)仅限 PGCE 入学

  Master of Education (Research in Second Language Education) PGCE entry only教育硕士(第二语言教育研究)仅限 PGCE 入学

  MEd in Education (Transforming Practice) PACES entry only教育(转化实践)仅限 PACES 条目

  MEd in Education (Transforming Practice) PGCE entry only教育(转化实践)仅限 PGCE 入学

  MEd Master of Education (Educational Leadership and School Improvement)MEd 教育(教育领导和学校改进)

  MPhil in Education (Arts, Creativity & Education)教育(艺术、创意与教育)

  MPhil in Education (Critical Approaches to Children's Literature)教育(儿童文学批判方法)

  MPhil in Education (Educational Leadership and School Improvement)教育(教育领导力和学校改进)

  MPhil in Education (Globalisation and International Development)教育(全球化与国际发展)

  MPhil in Education (Knowledge, Power and Politics)教育硕士(知识、权力和政治)

  MPhil in Education (Psychology and Education)教育硕士(心理学与教育)

  MPhil in Education (Research in Second Language Education)教育硕士(第二语言教育研究)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Creative Writing创意写作教学研究生证书

  Faculty of English英语学院MLitt in English Literature英语文学中的MLitt

  MPhil in American Literature美国文学

  MPhil in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic盎格鲁-撒克逊、北欧和凯尔特语

  MPhil in English Studies: 18th Century and Romantic Studies英语研究:18世纪与浪漫主义研究

  MPhil in English Studies: Criticism and Culture英语研究:批评与文化

  MPhil in English Studies: Modern and Contemporary Literature英语研究:现当代文学

  MPhil in Medieval and Renaissance Literature中世纪和文艺复兴文学

  MSt in Creative Writing创意写作

  Faculty of History历史学院MPhil in American History美国历史

  MPhil in Early Modern History现代早期历史

  MPhil in Economic and Social History经济和社会史

  MPhil in Medieval History中世纪历史

  MPhil in Modern British History英国现代史

  MPhil in Modern European History现代欧洲历史

  MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History政治思想和思想史

  MPhil in World History世界历史

  MSt in History历史

  Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science人文、社会和政治科学学院MPhil in African Studies非洲研究

  MPhil in Archaeological Research考古研究

  MPhil in Archaeology考古学

  MPhil in Assyriology亚述学

  MPhil in Biological Anthropological Science生物人类学

  MPhil in Development Studies发展研究

  MPhil in Egyptology埃及学

  MPhil in Heritage Studies遗产研究

  MPhil in Human Evolutionary Studies人类进化研究

  MPhil in Latin American Studies拉丁美洲研究

  MPhil in Latin American Studies (by thesis only)拉丁美洲研究哲学(仅限论文)

  MPhil in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies多学科性别研究

  MPhil in Politics and International Studies政治与国际研究

  MPhil in Public Policy公共政策

  MPhil in Social Anthropology社会人类学

  MPhil in Sociology (Political and Economic Sociology)社会学(政治和经济社会学)

  MPhil in Sociology (The Sociology of Marginality and Exclusion)社会学(边缘和排斥社会学)

  MPhil in Sociology (The Sociology of Media and Culture)社会学(媒体与文化社会学)

  MPhil in Sociology (The Sociology of Reproduction)社会学(生殖社会学)

  MRes in Social Anthropology社会人类学

  MSt in International Relations国际关系


  Faculty of Law法律系

      Master of Corporate Law (MCL)公司法(MCL)

  Master of Law (LLM)法学 (LLM)

  MLitt in Law法律

  PG Dip Legal Studies法律研究Postgraduate Diploma in International Law国际法研究生文凭

  Faculty of Mathematics数学学院MASt in Applied Mathematics应用数学

  MASt in Mathematical Statistics数理统计

  MASt in Pure Mathematics纯数学

  MPhil in Computational Biology计算生物学

  MPhil in Scientific Computing科学计算

  Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics现代和中世纪语言和语言学学院MPhil in European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures by Advanced Study欧洲、拉丁美洲和比较文学与文化高级研究

  MPhil in European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures by thesis欧洲、拉丁美洲和比较文学与文化论文

  MPhil in Film and Screen Studies by Advanced Study电影和银幕研究高级研究

  MPhil in Film and Screen Studies by thesis电影与银幕研究论文

  MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics by Advanced Study理论与应用语言学研究生课程

  MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics by thesis理论与应用语言学论文

  Faculty of Music音乐学院MPhil in Music音乐

  Faculty of Philosophy哲学学院MPhil in Philosophy哲学

  Faculty of Physics and Chemistry物理与化学学院CDT MPhil + PhD in Computational Methods for Materials ScienceCDT 硕士 + 材料科学计算方法博士

  MASt in Astrophysics天体物理学

  MASt in Physics物理学

  MPhil in Astronomy天文学

  MPhil in Chemistry化学

  MPhil in Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise微型和纳米技术企业

  MPhil in Physics物理学

  Institute for Sustainability Leadership可持续发展领导力研究所

  PG Cert in Sustainable Business可持续商业PG证书

  Institute of Continuing Education继续教育学院

  MPhil in Genomic Medicine基因组医学

  MSt in Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Society人工智能伦理与社会

  MSt in Crime and Thriller Writing犯罪和惊悚写作

  MSt in Genomic Medicine基因组医学

  MSt in Healthcare Data: Informatics, Innovation and Commercialization医疗保健数据:信息学、创新和商业化

  MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture艺术史和视觉文化

  Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Research, Education and Leadership临床研究、教育和领导力研究生证书

  Postgraduate Certificate in Genomic Medicine基因组医学研究生证书

  Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Data and Informatics医疗保健数据和信息学研究生证书

  Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education医学教育研究生证书

  Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy哲学研究生证书

  Postgraduate Certificate in Practical Science Communication实用科学传播研究生证书

  Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education高等教育教学研究生证书

  Postgraduate Diploma in Genomic Medicine基因组医学研究生文凭

  Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Data: Informatics, Innovation and Commercialization医疗数据研究生文凭:信息学、创新和商业化

  Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education医学教育研究生文凭

  Postgraduate Diploma in Science Communication科学传播研究生文凭

  Postgraduate Diploma in Science Communication (top-up year)科学传播研究生文凭(top up年)

  Institute of Criminology犯罪学研究所MPhil in Criminological Research犯罪学研究

  MPhil in Criminology犯罪学

  MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management应用犯罪学和警察管理

  MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management (Senior Leaders’ Master’s Degree Apprenticeship)应用犯罪学和警察管理(高级领导硕士学位学徒制)

  MSt in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management应用犯罪学、刑罚学和管理

  School of Clinical Medicine临床医学院MPhil in Basic and Translational Neuroscience基础和转化神经科学

  MPhil in Medical Science (CIMR)医学(CIMR)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Clinical Biochemistry)医学(临床生物化学)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Clinical Neurosciences)医学(临床神经科学)

  MPhil in Medical Science (CRUKCI)医学科学 (CRUKCI)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Haematology)医学(血液学)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Medicine)医学(医学)

  MPhil in Medical Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)医学(MRC 认知和脑科学单元)

  MPhil in Medical Science (MRC Epidemiology Unit)医学(MRC流行病学单位)

  MPhil in Medical Science (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit)医学(MRC 线粒体生物学单元)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)医学(妇产科)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Oncology)医学(肿瘤学)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Paediatrics)医学(儿科)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Psychiatry)医学(精神病学)

  MPhil in Medical Science (Radiology)医学(放射学)MPhil in Medical Science (Surgery)医学(外科)

  MPhil in Population Health Sciences人口健康科学

  MPhil in Translational Biomedical Research转化生物医学研究

  MSt in Population Health Sciences人口健康科学

  Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice (PHEM)高级临床实践研究生证书 (PHEM)


  2024年QS排名:世界TOP 2、英国TOP 1

  2023年U.S. News世界大学排名第8位























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