超干货分享 莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7英语入学考试题库!


  作为英国顶尖的私立女校,莱斯特女子中学有着优越的地理位置,建筑集现代和古代并存,其教学设施也堪称一流,超大的学习教室、室外娱乐的塑胶操场、培养学生阅读能力的图书馆和阅览室、学生可以单独使用的TCT套房,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7英语入学考试题库,希望对大家有所帮助:

莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7英语入学考试题库









  Section A: Reading Task

  Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions as fully as possible in complete sentences.

  Catching the Sun

  The extract comes from a short story based on a myth which tries to explain why the Sun takes 24 hours to travel around the Earth. To look at, you would not have thought that Maui was a hero. He was very small and very ugly with short, stubby arms and a pot belly. And yet, to his people, Maui was one of the greatest of the so-called trickster heroes – which is to say that what he lacked in dignity and grace he made up for in cunning. Maui had a magic jawbone. In his lifetime he had many adventures, but perhaps his most extraordinary achievement was the catching of the sun.

  The adventure began one evening, just as the sun was setting. He and his four brothers had been out fishing, but now, as the darkness set in, they were forced to return home.

  „If only the sun stayed up longer,‟ Maui said.

  The words were no sooner out of his mouth than he was struck by a thought.

  „Hey!‟ he cried. „Why don‟t we catch it?‟

  His brothers looked at him warily.

  „We couldn‟t,‟ one said. „It‟s too far away.‟

  „And too big,‟ added a second.

  „And even if we did catch it,‟ muttered a third, „it would only burn us up.‟

  „It‟s impossible,‟ the fourth agreed.

  „Nonsense!‟ Maui shouted. „Of course we can do it!‟

  For the next week, the five brothers worked, spinning and twisting ropes to form the noose with which they would catch the sun. At last, when the noose was ready, they set off. They travelled only at night so that the sun, hidden beneath the horizon, would not see them coming. By day they hid in the desert, sleeping under bushes or covering themselves with a layer of sand. After several months they arrived at the very eastern edge of the world.

  Here, working under Maui‟s supervision, they built an enormous clay wall with two sheds. The sheds were for Maui‟s brothers to hide in so that they would not get burnt by the sun. The noose was unpacked and dangled over the wall so that it hung in outer space – just underneath the world itself. Maui took his place, standing at the very centre of the world.

  And so they waited.

  Dawn arrived and the unsuspecting sun began its climb.

  „It‟s coming,‟ Maui whispered, the light dancing in his eyes.

  His brothers, hidden in their sheds, tightened their grips on the ends of the ropes.

  The sun drew level with the wall.

  „Now!‟ Maui cried, and slipped the noose over it.

  At once the sun tried to back away. Brilliant flames exploded around it, tearing at the dark blue cloth of the universe. If Maui had been an ordinary human, he would have been frazzled. But as the furious heat of the sun raced through him, he just laughed and pulled at the rope.

  The noose tightened. The sun was caught.

  „Now I‟ll teach you, you old rascal!‟ Maui giggled and, lifting his magic jawbone, he walloped the sun half a dozen times.

  „Aaagh!‟ screamed the sun.

  Again and again Maui pounded the sun with the jawbone, sparks flying every time it made contact.

  „Stop it!‟ the sun yelled. „What have I done to you?

  But Maui was so excited he didn‟t stop until, at last, he tired of the sport. Climbing back down from the wall, he signalled to his brothers who allowed the noose to open again. The sun slipped out and continued its upward climb.

  But it was not the same sun that had once circled the earth in seven and a half hours. Now it was bruised, battered and bewildered, quite exhausted by the clobbering it had received at Maui‟s hands. From that day on, it took twenty-four hours to make the round trip – twelve hours from horizon to horizon. Maui had not only caught the sun. He‟d beaten the living daylights out of it too!

  1. Why did Maui want to catch the sun?

  2. What did his brothers think of his idea?

  3. Copy a sentence from the third paragraph beginning „For the next week‟ which shows that Maui and his brothers thought the world was flat.

  4.The sun is described as being an explosive, burning ball in the underlined section of the story. One example of a phrase which builds up this picture is: “so that they would not get burnt by the sun”.

  Write down three more similar phrases.

  5. Give TWO reasons why Maui was not burnt by the sun?

  6. How does Maui treat the sun once he and his brothers have caught it?

  7. Write down the word from each of the following lists which is closest in meaning to the word in bold from the story.

  a) “cunning” - honesty craftiness wisdom skill

  b) “noose” - hook trap knot loop

  c) “rascal” - villain clown criminal scamp

  d) “pounded” - smashed crushed battered throbbed

  e) “horizon” - skyline view edge outlook

  a) cunning - ___________________

  b) noose - ___________________

  c) rascal - ___________________

  d) pounded - ___________________

  e) horizon - ___________________

  8. In what TWO important ways has the sun changed by the end of the story?

  9. What kind of person is Maui?

  Choose three of the following words which you think best describe him and for each one, write a sentence giving the reason for your choice.








  1st word:

  2nd word:

  3rd word:

  Section B: Writing Task


  a) Write a short story suggested by the title: “Too late now!”


  b) Continue writing the story whose beginning is given to you below. There is no need to write out the opening again.

  If only she could reach the top. It wasn‟t far to go. The climb had been hard and dangerous, but if she just stretched out her fingers a little more, Saara was sure she could grab the rock and pull herself up to safety.

  以上是关于莱斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls year7英语入学考试题库的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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