作为英国顶尖的私立寄宿男校,华威学校是英国最古老的学校,该校以其悠长的历史、古典的建筑风格,以及出众的学术成绩而闻名全国。该校不仅注重学术成绩,也十分注重体育,比如橄榄球、曲棍球、板球、田径、赛艇等等,因此,越来越多的学生去华威学校留学,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了华威学校Warwick School year9英语入学考试笔试题,希望对大家有所帮助:
There is a comprehension section and then a descriptive writing task at the end. You should spend 5 minutes reading the paper very carefully before you start writing. Leave time to check your work at the end. Please note that the last question is worth 50 marks.
Prose Comprehension
Read the following passage from My Family and other Animals by Gerald Durrell, then answer the questions which follow it. The meanings of more difficult words (underlined) are given after the passage.
July had been blown out like a candle by a biting wind that ushered in a leaden August sky. A sharp, stinging drizzle fell, billowing into opaque grey sheets when the wind caught it. Along the Bournemouth sea-front the beach-huts turned blank wooden faces towards a greeny-grey, froth-chained sea that leapt eagerly at the cement bulwark of the shore. The gulls had been tumbled inland over the town, and they now drifted above the house-tops on taut wings, whining peevishly. It was the sort of weather calculated to try anyone's endurance.
Considered as a group my family was not a very prepossessing sight that afternoon, for the weather had brought with it the usual selection of ills to which we were prone. For me, lying on the floor, labelling my collection of shells, it had brought catarrh, pouring it into my skull like cement, so that I was forced to breathe stertorously through open mouth.For my brother Leslie,hunched dark and glowering by the fire,it had inflamed the convolutions of his ears so that they bled delicately but persistently. To my sister Margo it had delivered a fresh dappling of acne spots to a face that was already blotched like a red veil. For my mother there was a rich,budding cold,and twinge of rheumatism to season it. Only my eldest brother, Larry, was untouched,but it was sufficient that he was irritated by our failings.
It was Larry, of course,who started it. The rest of us felt too apathetic to think of anything except our own ills, but Larry was designed by Providence to go through life like a small, blond firework, exploding ideas in other people's minds,and then curling up with cat-like unctuousness and refusing to take any blame for the consequences.He had become increasingly irritable as the afternoon wore on. At length,glancing moodily round the room, he decided to attack Mother, as being the obvious cause of the trouble.
"Why do we stand this bloody climate?"he asked suddenly,making a gesture towards the rain-distorted window."Look at it!And,if it comes to that, look at us . . . Margo swollen up like a plate of scarlet porridge . . . Leslie wandering around with fourteen fathoms of cotton wool in each ear . . . Gerry sounds as though he's had a cleft palate form birth...And look at you: you're looking more decrepit and hagridden every day."
Mother peered over the top of a large volume entitled Easy Recipes from Rajputana. "Indeed I'm not," she said indignantly.
"You are," Larry insisted; "you're beginning to look like an Irish washerwoman . . . and your family looks like a series of illustrations from a medical encyclopedia."
Mother could think of no really crushing reply to this, so she contented herself with a glare before retreating once more behind her book.
"What we need is sunshine," Larry continued; "don't you agree, Les? . . . Les . . . Les!"
Leslie unravelled a large quantity of cotton-wool from one ear.
"What d'you say?" he asked.
"There you are!" said Larry, turning triumphantly to Mother, "it's become a major operation to hold a conversation with him. I ask you, what a position to be in! One brother can't hear what you say, and the other one can't be understood. Really, it's time something was done. I can't be expected to produce deathless prose in an atmosphere of gloom and eucalyptus."
"Yes, dear," said Mother vaguely.
bulwark a breakwater or sea-wall
stertorously with a snoring sound
unctuousness oily smugness
cleft palate a scarred roof of the mouth
1. Look again at the first paragraph. Explain, in your words, what we learn of that particular English summer afternoon in Bournemouth. Make five separate points. (5marks)
2. Look again at paragraphs two and three. Explain, in your own words, four ways in which the writer is critical of his family. (8 marks)
3. Explain fully, in your own words, the image created by each of the following similes:
• July has been blown out like a candle... (line 1)
• ...pouring it into my skull like cement (line 10)
• ...like a plate of scarlet porridge (line 26)
4. Explain the meaning of the following words, as they are used in the passage:
• Leaden (line 1)
• Opaque (line 2)
• Peevishly (line 6)
• Endurance (line 7)
• Apathetic (line 8)
5. The writing in this passage is often at its most humorous when dealing with Mother. Copy out a short extract of no more than two lines from the passage which shows Mother in a humorous light, then explain what make it funny. (6 marks)
6. Write an appropriate title for then comprehension passage。
7. Describe fully the character of Larry as it is presented to us in the passage. You should look particularly at paragraphs three, four and eleven. Quote from the passage to provide evidence for your opinions.
Gerald Durrell writes in a particularly descriptive way. Now you should write a description in which your use plenty of vivid vocabulary. Respond to ONE of the following topics and give your description a title: (50 marks)
• August Afternoon in the Country
• A Railway Station
以上是关于华威学校Warwick School year9英语入学考试笔试题的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!