作为一所英国顶尖的私立混校,奥登汉姆学校从建校至今一直保持着寄宿传统,该校采用的是“分院制”的寄宿方式,并且它的学术成绩也十分出色,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是申请私立学校,入学考试是必经之路,它是私校考核学生学习能力的标准,下面,小编就为大家带来了奥登汉姆学校Aldenham School Year 9 英语入学考试笔试题库,希望对大家有所帮助:
Section A - Comprehension
Read the following passage taken from Charles Dicken’s Hard Times and answer the questions in Section A. Then move on to Section B.
Hard Times was the tenth novel published by Charles Dickens. The story is set in a fictitious Victorian industrial town called Coketown. Mr Gradgrind is a man only concerned with hard cold facts and numbers, he places no value on creativity and imagination.
To his matter-of-fact home, which was called Stone Lodge, Mr. Gradgrind directed his steps. He had virtually retired from the wholesale hardware trade before he built Stone Lodge, and was now looking about for a job in Parliament. Stone Lodge was situated on a moor within a mile or two of a great town—called Coketown in the guide-book.
A very regular feature on the face of the country, Stone Lodge was. Not the least disguise toned down or shaded off that uncompromising fact in the landscape. A great square house, with a heavy entrance darkening the principal windows, as its master’s heavy brows overshadowed his eyes. A calculated, cast up, balanced, and proved house. Six windows on this side of the door, six on that side; a total of twelve in this wing, a total of twelve in the other wing; four-and-twenty carried over to the back wings. A lawn and garden and an infant avenue, all ruled straight like a botanical account-book. Gas and ventilation, drainage and water-service, all of the primest quality. Iron clamps and girders, fire-proof from top to bottom; mechanical lifts for the housemaids, with all their brushes and brooms; everything that heart could desire.