山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试笔试题型大赏析 赶紧来做题吧!


  作为英国顶尖的私立走读学校,山家中学创建于1903年,距今已有百年的历史,该校位于条件优越的富人区,学校环境非常好,此外该校的学术成绩也十分出色,每年有大约10%左右的学生升入牛剑,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必经的一项考核,下面,小编就为大家带来了山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试


  English Writing Entrance Examination

  The following extract is from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Read the extract closely, you may annotate the text, and then answer the questions that follow.

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

  SECTION A: Reading

  Answer the questions in full sentences referring to the text to support your answers.

  1. Why does the narrator not want to go outside?

  2. Was the narrator happy about not being able to go outside, and if she was, why was she?

  3. Why is the narrator not allowed to join the other children?

  4. What did the mother of the children say the narrator had to do before she could join the other children?

  5. Where did the narrator go and what did she do?

  6. From where the narrator was sitting, what could she see?

  SECTION B: Wrtiing

  Write about a day when you had to stay indoors because the weather was bad. Describe what the weather was like and how it made you feel, and also what you did instead of going out.


山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试

  以上是关于山家中学Mount House School 13+入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。顶试留学是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,像留学选校、寻找寄宿家庭、寄宿生活、UKiset考试培训等提供全方位的留学咨询。在此,顶试留学预祝准留学生们都能学业有成!














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