圣玛丽剑桥女子学校St Mary's School, Cambridge
Section A
Spend 30 minutes on this section.
Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.
1. Read again the first part of the Source from lines 1 to 4. List four things about the sweet shop from this part of the Source.
2. Look in detail at this extract from lines 5 to 14 of the Source:
‘Her name was Mrs. Pratchett. She was a small skinny old hag with a moustache on her upper lip and a mouth as sour as a green gooseberry. She never smiled. She never welcomed us when we went in, and the only times she spoke were when she said things like, ‘I’m watchin’ you so keep yer thievin’ fingers off them chocolates!’ Or ‘I don’t want you in ‘ere just to look around! Either you forks out or you gets out’. But by far the most loathsome thing about Mrs. Pratchett was the filth that clung around her. Her apron was grey and greasy. Her blouse had bits of breakfast all over it, toast-crumbs and tea stains and splotches of dried egg-yolk. It was her hands, however, that disturbed us most. They were disgusting. They were black with dirt and grime. They looked as though they had been putting lumps of coal on the fire all day long.’